Art Basel 2022 - WAGMI Miami & Invitational

The Cryptoon Goonz, 3Landers, Feline Fiendz, CloudMachine, & Rion labs joined forces and communities to take over Miami during Art Basel 2022.

WAGMI Miami - Dec. 1st

The Gang hosted "WAGMI Miami" in the heart of Wynwood at Grails Miami, an incredible indoor-outdoor venue.

Every attendee was greeted at the door with an event-exclusive tee.

Trivia with fun prizes brought to you by Freckle Trivia, open bar, free food, World Cup football, and good vibes.

WAGMI Invitational - Dec. 3rd

After a day of rest, the Gang was joined by Rion Labs to get active at Stadio Soccer!

Gifting bags and live customization of wearables were present for all holders.

When attendees weren't playing, they were hanging out watching World Cup soccer or playing foosball with food and free drinks.

 Watch the recap video here: